The Ethics and Conflict of Interest Code for Senators

Tabling for information only

50. An inquiry report of the Senate Ethics Officer is tabled in the Senate for information only, and no motion shall be moved in the Senate for its adoption.

Senator may speak 

51. (1) Despite any other provision of the Code, a Senator who is the subject of a Committee report may speak to any motion related to it.

Right of reply

51. (2) The Senator who is the subject of a Committee report may exercise the right of final reply.

Former Senator

51. (3) Where a motion is to adopt a Committee report concerning a former Senator, the former Senator shall be invited to speak to the report as a witness in Committee of the Whole before disposition of the motion.

Referral back

51. (4) The Senate may refer a Committee report back to the Committee for further consideration.

No vote

51. (5) For greater certainty, a Senator who is the subject of a Committee report may not vote on any motion related to it.