The Senate Ethics Officer
The Senate Ethics Officer is an independent, non-partisan officer of the Senate whose mandate is to administer the Ethics and Conflict of Interest Code for Senators and provide advice on the Code to senators.

Annual Reports
All annual reports of the Senate Ethics Office are available on our website. They provide additional details and further information concerning the mandate of the Senate Ethics Officer and the work of the office in general.
Inquiry Reports
One of the functions of the Senate Ethics Officer involves conducting inquiries to determine whether a senator has complied with his or her obligations under the Code.

Public Registry
The disclosure process is at the heart of the rules on conflict of interest for senators. The process is aimed at fostering transparency, accountability, and confidence in the Senate. The Senate Ethics Officer is responsible for the maintenance of the Public Registry, which contains all senators’ public disclosure files, including their public disclosure summaries, their statements of material changes, statements of gifts or other benefits, statements of sponsored travel, and any declarations of private interest.
Ethics and Conflict of Interest Code for Senators
The Code was adopted for three purposes:
To maintain and enhance public confidence and trust in the integrity of senators and the Senate
To provide for greater certainty and guidance for senators when dealing with issues that may present foreseeable real or apparent conflicts of interest
To establish clear standards and transparent system by which questions relating to proper conduct may be addressed by an independent, non-partisan adviser